Pay Dues

All Hidden Hollow property owners must complete the form below.


How much are dues?

According to the Hidden Hollow Covenants, dues are set at $400 per lot per year.

When are dues collected?

Notices are sent out by September 15. Payment is due October 15.

Who pays dues when a lot/home is sold in the middle of the year?

Annual dues are assessed to whoever owns the property when notices are prepared on September 1.

In the case of the sale of a lot from developer to owner/builder, the owner/builder will be responsible for paying prorated dues through the current cycle.

If an existing owner or builder is selling to a new owner, any proration credits/debits will be handled directly between buyer and seller at closing with the title company.

All payments to the Hidden Hollow HOA are final and no refunds will be paid by Hidden Hollow HOA.

Do builders pay dues?

Annual dues are assessed to whoever owns the property when notices are prepared on September 1. If a builder is listed as the property owner, that builder is responsible for paying dues or coordinating with the future homeowner to pay on their behalf. Builders may receive a credit for the remaining months in the current cycle at closing (see above).